Wickr me account: registration without a phone number

The purpose of this article is to tell about the messenger for those who want to be sure that their correspondence will not leak and data will not fall into the hands of third parties.
Wickr messenger appeared in 2013. At that time, it was the peak of the appearance of applications with high-quality encryption.

The developers of Wickr declared from the very beginning that it was the most secure messenger in the world, although the application code is closed and cannot be tested by different specialists. Wickr transmits almost any information, including photos, audio, text and video, in coded form. It doesn’t allow messages or content to be copied or forwarded to third parties, and you can’t take a screenshot there, either. The app uses AES 256, ECDH 521, RSA 4096 TLD encryption standards. Its big plus is that when you register you come up with a unique ID and password. Registering through the phone number linking is not required.


How do I sign up with a phone number?

To do this, you need to download the Wickr Me – Private Messenger app, sign in after installation. Next, on the screen you will have the opportunity to authorize or register. Press the registration button, enter the necessary data, for example, your phone number or e-mail and complete the registration process. If you don’t want to use your real phone number, you can use a virtual phone number. Then you’re sure to remain anonymous.

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